Wouldn’t you know it. A few short months after I moved out of Belfountain (having been born there), what happens? Paras opens her yoga studio in back of the Higher Ground Café.
But I didn’t let a 10k move stop me. How could I resist a yoga class taking place where I pumped gasoline as a teenager? I can’t imagine what John and Roy Trimble would think if they were to see their old building today.
To start, Paras is offering classes on Saturday mornings at 9am and Thursday evenings at 6pm. Each class is an hour long. There were eight students in my class last Saturday. If there is more demand, she’ll add more classes.
A 15-year pro, Paras is a polished teacher. Her class is big on stretching and getting your blood flowing without the more difficult poses that might scare off beginners. For me, it was a wonderful way to start the weekend. Better yet, I had coffee afterwards in the café with my friend Susanne from the Caledon Mountain Estates.
For more information and to buy passes, visit www.parasmoghtader.com. Paras says everyone is welcome. No experience necessary.
I suggest taking your own yoga mat and having a great class.
Nicola Ross
Are you still offering yoga classes