Mission Statement: Connect the collective of members, residents and influencers in our Hamlet.
Committee Chair: Darryl Members:
Latest News
- Please advise us if you wish to be added to our communiques, distribution of The View and news stories
- IF you have any history or news about Belfountain, drop us a comment below.
Dearest Darryl!! May I pretty please with sugar on top be added to the community newsletter??
Thanks. Bev Marshall
You are now worthy.
Hello! I just moved Belfountain and would love to be included in the distribution of newsletters, etc. Thank you!
Hi Jenny,
Welcome neighbour, you have been added.
Caledon Public Library is extending an invitation to the Belfountain community to attend a ribbon cutting for the Belfountain Library Lockers at the Belfountain Community Hall on Tuesday, July 18 at 4:00 pm.
Please join Library Staff, Town Staff, Mayor & Council and other members in the community.
Cake to be served after the ribbon cutting.