Community Update on the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant

February 18, 2021
Community Update on the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Belfountain Community Organization is part of a Coalition of community and environmental groups, which includes West Credit River Watch, Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club, Trout Unlimited Canada- Greg Clark Chapter, Ontario Streams, Ontario Rivers Alliance and Ontario Headwaters Institute. These groups joined together to collaboratively address the issues surrounding the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant and protect the health of the West Credit River

The Coalition has concerns that the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Town of Erin will discharge effluent into The West Credit River, a coldwater Brook Trout stream and have devastating effects on their population.

Several members of the Coalition were involved in a detailed review of the Environmental Service Report (ESR) signed by Minister Yurek. This review has identified many deficiencies that need to be addressed to ensure the survival of the Brook Trout in the West Credit River.  The detailed review is available on the West Credit River Watch Website and in more detail here.

The Coalition is requesting that the Town of Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant be designated for a Federal Environmental Assessment under the Impact Assessment Act, to address the deficiencies in the Provincial ESR.

16,000 people have signed a petition to protect the Brook Trout in the West Credit River, if you have not already done so, please sign here: this petition.

We are posting an article written about our concerns in the Toronto Star and hope to draw more attention to this issue in the coming months.  Other news articles can be found here:

Wellingtonadvertisercom/erin-man-protesting-wastewater-treatment-plant/ -lets-pause-this-erin-residents-calling-for-referendum-on-wastewater-plant-decision/

Erin Wastewater Plant Threatens The West Credit River

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone that might be interested.

Preview YouTube video Erin Waste Water Treatment Plant: Brook trout at risk


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