We’d like to encourage all of you to participate in an event which could have major implications for the proposed Caledon mega quarry application. Over the past several months, the West Caledon Communities Aggregate Group, of which the B.C.O. are a member, has diligently worked on a presentation for the Town of Caledon Councillors and the Region of Peel Planning Committee. This PowerPoint review will present a compelling case for more robust Official Plan policies to deal with future quarry applications. A stronger, more environmentally sensitive Caledon Official Plan could be a game changer for all future Aggregate applications.
This online presentation is scheduled for the evening of September 21, between 7 and 9 PM (exact time will hopefully be confirmed for us in a few days) before the mayor and councillors. We urge all of you to watch this presentation online because council will be monitoring the number of attendees. Strong community interest will send a clear message.
To log onto this Town of Caledon meeting, please use the following link:
We hope you can join us and show your support!
Thank you