Be Part of the Action – Save the Date
The Belfountain Community Organization is part of a Coalition for the West Credit River, working to protect Brook Trout and Species at Risk from the proposed Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant (Erin WWTP).
Join the Coalition in our online Zoom Event to find out what we are doing and how you can take action to help protect this unique coldwater West Credit River ecosystem.
RSVP here to attend our online Coalition Event on Thursday, 25 March at 7:00 pm.
Speakers at this Event will describe the risks Brook Trout and Species at Risk face from the daily discharge of 7.2 million liters of treated wastewater into the West Credit River. Find out about some simple actions you can take that will make a big difference.
Brook Trout are the canary in the coal mine of fish species.
They are a highly sensitive coldwater species and their survival relies on stream temperatures no greater than 19oC to 20oC for any sustained period of time. Over the last 50 years their numbers have undergone a significant decline.
The West Credit River has one of the last remaining native Brook Trout populations in Southern Ontario. This thriving population of Brook Trout will be placed at risk of drastic demise as a result of the proposed Erin WWTP dumping 7.2 million liters of effluent daily into this sensitive coldwater West Credit River ecosystem.
The effluent plume will reduce dissolved oxygen that Brook Trout need to breath and raise stream temperature, depriving Brook Trout of the coldwater habitat that is so crucial to their survival. This toxic plume contains ammonia and chloride, and could extend several hundred meters downstream into prime Brook Trout nursery habitat.
Find out what the Coalition discovered through its review process, what we are doing about it and how you can help!
The Coalition for the West Credit River includes: