On Thursday, March 25th, you can enjoy Lisa MacIssac and Brenley MacEachern – Madison Violet https://www.madisonviolet.com/ – who will share their music and stories in a recorded concert. Susan Gesner is again hosting a recorded concert that will be available to anyone interested in enjoying the music and supporting Canadian musicians during this challenging time. If you want to hear haunting lullabies, heartfelt songs that reach right into your soul, and then down to earth humour that will make you grin (in a time when we all need to grin more!)….then you’ll love this show!
If you are interested, please e mail Susan Gesner (susangesner@me.com) and send her $20 either through an e transfer, or arrange to send her a cheque On March 25th, she will send you a link to the show, and you’ll have 48 hours to enjoy it. You can have your entire household watching for just the price of one ticket. (But please don’t share the link with anyone else, unless they send Susan $20. We’re doing this to support the musicians in a time when they can’t perform at a live concerts).
And here’s a challenge for everyone:
- We challenge each of you to tell at least one other person about the show who might not already know about it.
- If they are interested, they can e mail Susan, she’ll sell them a ticket, but make sure they tell her who told them about it.
- She’ll keep a tally of who has told the most people
- And whomever tells the most people will get a free ticket to the next show, either virtual or live!!!!!