BCO Annual General Meeting – This Tuesday May 11th at 7PM – You need to register this year


Would you like to know what is going on in and around Belfountain?   Every year, our AGM is the best way to keep up to date and get the latest information.   

This year the AGM will be held via Zoom meeting or dial in by phone.   We need to send you an invitation with the access instructions so please register at rsvp@belfountain.ca.    If you do not have the instructions, you will not be able to get into the meeting.

 This is the link to the agenda for the meeting:  BCO AGM 2021 Agenda

Please join us on Tuesday May 11th, 2021 at 7PM via Zoom and phone dial in.   You can also access by phone therefore you do not need a computer to attend.

See you there !!

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Seniors Month – Free Swag Bag

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In addition to the risk of fire, fireworks are very disruptive to many people, our local wildlife, horses, livestock, and pets. 

The Town of Caledon prohibits setting off fireworks on:

  • public property
  • parklands and parks
  • roads and sidewalks

You can only set off fireworks on your property on:

  • Canada Day
  • Victoria Day

In the event of rain on any of the two days above, you may set off fireworks the following day. Please see the Fireworks By-law (2009-097) for more information. Any person who violates any provisions of the Fireworks By-law is guilty of an offence.

  Safety Guidelines



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Please Register and Attend Cataract Quarry Meeting – Tuesday April 27th, 6pm – 7pm

The B.C.O. encourages you to register and attend this meeting regarding the Cataract Quarry. We have received the invitation below regarding this. 

I’m working with CBM Aggregates on an upcoming application to licence and operate a dolostone quarry in Caledon.

The site is located between Main Street/Cataract Road and Mississauga Road, around Charleston Sideroad, and is identified as an area of High Potential for aggregate development in the Region of Peel and Town of Caledon Official Plans. The proposal is still in a very early stages of development.

We have held a series of virtual meetings with neighbours within a kilometer of the potential site, as well as a larger Caledon Open House on April 7, which included invitations to the residents of Belfountain.

We are planning a separate virtual presentation and Q&A on the proposal for members of the Belfountain Community Organization on Tuesday April 27, from 6-7pm.

Please let your members know that if they are interested in attending, they should email me at kevinp@campbellstrategies.com, and I will send them an invite for the session.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Kevin Powers


Campbell Strategies

199 Bay St. Suite 3210

Toronto, ON M5L 1E7



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Belfountain Community Organization (BCO) Annual General Meeting 2021 – Please Register to receive the Zoom Information

The Belfountain Community Organization Annual General Meeting will be held Tuesday May 11th, 2021 at 7 pm via Zoom and phone call.    

Please preregister by emailing rsvp@belfountain.ca.   We will need your email to send you the Zoom invite.  You are able to phone into the meeting as well as participate by computer.  Once you register, meeting instructions will be sent to your email in response.

Belfountain Community Organization (BCO)
Annual General Meeting 2021

  1. BCO Board of Directors Elections will be held:
    • Tuesday
    • May 11th, 2021
    • 7:00PM
    • Zoom Meeting or Dial In
  2. Calls for Nominations have been:
    • Posted on http://Belfountain.ca
    • Emailed to the current distribution list to reach residents in Belfountain and environs.
  3. NOTE: Nominations forms are available at Belfountain Community Organization Board of Directors Nomination Form 2021
  4. Rules for the Election Procedure
    • To be able to stand for election, must be a registered resident of Belfountain or environs
    • To register, please provide your address, telephone number and email address to secretary@belfountain.ca.
    • Nominations must be received 48 hours in advance of the AGM
    • Must be present for the meeting and agree in writing to serve on the board
    • No proxies will be accepted.

5.  The meeting agenda will be posted at Belfountain.ca and sent to our mailing  list by email prior to the meeting date.

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Exciting Update JDCL Erin Pit Expansion

Please join us in celebrating our successful objection to accepting the “James Dick Construction Limited (JDCL) “Erin Pit Expansion – Caledon Side” License Application” as it was originally presented.

While we celebrate these accomplishments, there is some unfinished business. We have legal and expert fees that still need to be paid.

We have donors who are prepared to match dollar for dollar up to $15,000 but only until the end of April 2021.

This is great because we need over $35,000.

As your 100% volunteer organization, we really need your financial help. The BCO wishes to thank our community for its generosity of spirit in supporting this ‘David and Goliath’ challenge!

What Happened?

After more than a year of hard work and effort, we have reached a legal settlement that represents the needs of the community of Belfountain as well as directly affecting the residents who live in proximity to the pit.  We avoided a costly five-day LPAT (Local Planning Appeal Tribunal) hearing which could have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars without a guaranteed outcome, and we avoided the personal suffering if the case were lost.

Belfountain residents formally delegated and stated their objections to the Zoning By-law Amendment at a Town of Caledon public meeting in February 2020. To the surprise of residents, the Town Council quickly approved the required Zoning By-law Amendment without insisting on water quality protection for private wells or completion of social impact studies.

There was one item of merit that occurred at that February meeting, when conditions were added to the Zoning By-Law Amendment through a motion made by Ward 1 Regional Councillor, Ian Sinclair.    https://www.caledonenterprise.com/news-story/9858793-caledon-councillor-demands-conditions-on-erin-pit-application/ The motion required LPAT to be advised that rezoning for the Erin Pit be conditional upon three things being part of the approved site plan.   These included:

  1. Details of the proposed conveyer tunnel design under Winston Churchill Road, including maintenance and decommissioning.
  2. A peer review protocol be conducted regarding the Credit River recharge springs.
  3. An outline of private well compensation be included if loss of water occurs.

In preparation for the LPAT process, the Belfountain Community Organization contacted residents and asked for financial support.   With the donations received, we were able to go to the Case Management Conference (CMC), the first stage of the LPAT, with legal representation.  

It was at the CMC, Oct 26, 2020, that we learned that both the Town of Caledon and the Credit Valley Conservation Authority (CVC) removed their objections to the licence application and that the Town had chosen to proceed to LPAT with participant status only. This meant they would provide a written submission to LPAT rather than be a commenting party at the hearing.  This was particularly surprising given the motion that had added Zoning By-law requirements in February 2020. The CVC did not participate at all.  Without support from the Town of Caledon and the CVC at LPAT, the Belfountain Community Organization was left to fend for itself.

The CVC was involved in the review process and raised initial objections to the ARA application on the basis that technical and planning matters remained unresolved pertaining to the West Credit River, significant cold-water fisheries and associated Significant Valley Land located just south of the subject property. There was no confirmation of Top of Slope conducted by the CVC, nor was there geotechnical confirmation to prevent extraction in that part of the licensed area.  

Our arguments outlined:

  1. The need for drinking water requirements, water temperature and water quality in the West Credit River and ground water impact had not been addressed in the site plan
  2. The impact to Species at Risk, Endangered Species, and Natural Heritage features
  3. Concern for compliance with overlapping laws and regulations
  4. The impact of the additional traffic on the community of Belfountain

Experts were hired: a planner, a hydrogeologist, a biologist and a traffic expert were engaged to peer review the reports presented by JDCL’s application and support our arguments. Site visits were conducted with the JDCL counterparts to identify exceptions and provide evidence to address community needs.

BCO asked if there was sufficient evidence to support shutting down the pit. It became apparent that this was unrealistic.

A haul route already exists on Winston Churchill. Our traffic expert advised that concerns about traffic impact would not have been a strong position at LPAT. There were however stronger issues related to hydrogeology, biology and planning which allowed the process to continue to a LPAT hearing.   

The LPAT was scheduled for March 22, 2021. To appear at LPAT and not appear frivolous, which can have significant financial and legal repercussions, our lawyer and experts, including a planner, needed to prepare the objections.  

The residents of Belfountain had identified the Pit as their third greatest concern in our community survey.  Once again, we came to the community requesting financial support after the experts were hired and the reviews began.   We set up the Small Change Fund to help those who asked for tax receipts.   While donations trickled in, more funding was required.

We continued to strategically align our arguments with the support of our experts to appear at LPAT. We were not able to disclose the discussions or the results of the studies to the community as that could compromise the outcome of the hearing.  

Hydrogeology was communicated to our expert as the area of greatest concern for the residents. 

Setbacks for a Significant Woodlot on Shaws Creek Road needed to be increased.  This area is habitat for protected bats and other wildlife as determined by the MNRF. The MNRF had increased the requirements for setbacks on three sides of this Significant Woodlot.  Our biologist noted that the setbacks around this Significant Woodlot were not the same in all areas and needed to be increased on the southern side.

Our biologist also identified that the Significant Valleylands north of the West Credit River “Top of Bank” was reportedly determined by eye and not by the CVC.  There is no indication that the Long-Term Stable Top of Slope (LTSTOS) was ever determined by a geotechnical engineer.

There is also an important natural forest north of the West Credit River on the west side of Shaws Creek Road.  This woodlot, south of the southern lot line, north of the West Credit River, is owned by JDCL but not part of the licensed area for this specific ARA license. There were no provisions to prevent JDCL from applying for an extraction license in this area or foresting. We learned that the aggregate in this location was of high quality.

There were several meetings to discuss the experts’ opinions, prepare for LPAT and to attempt to reach agreement on these issues.

What Was the Outcome?

While there were many conversations between JDCL and residents, there was nothing on the ARA License to fall back on.   The BCO’s efforts have changed this, and these items are included on the ARA license.

Our hydrogeologist was able to reach an agreement with JDCL that adds:

  1. Protection for private wells including door to door well monitoring within 500 meters of the pit
  2. Protection for private wells that may be impacted by bacteria in the dolostone aquifer with corrective measures to be made at the expense of the licencee
  3. Well water interference complaint response mechanism to compensate well owners
  4. Temperature monitoring program and contingencies to address any thermal impact to the West Credit River detected because of groundwater flow from the site into the river and
  5. Notification that increases in groundwater discharge to the Wilson pond due to elevation will not result in a significant impact to the pond.

During the negotiation, JDCL offered the BCO a lease agreement of a portion of the natural forest area.   The BCO would be required to take on the obligations of a tenant, police the land which could only be used by BCO members, have responsibility for garbage, insurance, damages and could be removed at any time.   The BCO, not having experience as a land management company, chose not to take on these obligations.  Instead, we continued to negotiate for protections of the natural forest entirely. 

We are pleased that we have come to an agreement with JDCL that the natural forest on Shaws Creek Road directly north of the West Credit River will not be harvested or used for aggregate extraction for the next 41 years. There are now provisions that prevent any applications under the ARA, the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act or the Planning Act on the lands for the purpose of expanding an existing or establishing a new pit or quarry in this area.  There is a provision for a single-family home to be built on this land at some point in the future. 

JDCL did agree to adhere to an addition to the identified setbacks on the south side of the woodlot.

There will be an increase to thirty meters of re-forestation between the natural forest and the Significant Woodlot beside Shaws Creek Road which will be reforested before June 2022.

We had to walk away from pursuing the Top of Bank and the Long-Term Stable Top of Slope as we could not negate the information JDCL had regarding the CVC.  Our hope was to establish a wildlife corridor between the Significant Valleyland and the Significant Woodlot on Shaws Creek.

To pursue these issues would have cost $100,000+.  This was money we did not have and we settled.

The experts, lawyers and BCO attended a required one day at LPAT on March 22, 2021.  The LPAT is where the agreement between BCO and JDCL officially became part of the ARA license.   The executed agreement between the BCO and JDCL will also be registered on the title of the JDCL property.

What Now: 

While we celebrate these accomplishments, there is some unfinished business. We have legal and expert fees that still need to be paid.

We have donors who are prepared to match dollar for dollar up to $15,000 but only until the end of April 2021.

This is great because we need over $35,000.

As your 100% volunteer organization, we really need your financial help. We are asking everyone to please donate generously by either:

  1. a) Donating directly to the B.C.O: 100% of donations made are used to pay legal fees, experts’ invoices, and administration costs. No tax receipts are available.  The B.C.O. is an incorporated non-profit organization supported by volunteers. You can donate directly to the B.C.O. by cheque, cash or e-transfer by contacting  treasurer@ belfountain.ca, or use your account at PayPal at BCO to support the initiatives. You can tell us whether you would like your donation allocated to a specific project or to the B.C.O. in general, to be distributed where needed.   B.C.O. administration costs are outlined in our financial statements which are reviewed publicly at the Annual General Meeting and posted to our website.
  2. b) Donating to Small Change Fund: For those of you who would like a tax receipt, we are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Small Change Fund.  When you donate $25 or more to any of the three projects, you will receive a tax receipt.  SCF does retain a percentage of the funds donated to support the services they provide as outlined on their website. Choose the project: Gravel-pit-threatens-Belfountain As projects are resolved and donations received are higher than the invoices for the project, the overage will be applied to the most urgent of the remaining two issues.
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Urgent: Last day to submit comments to save Brook Trout Habitat in West Credit River

The Coalition for the West Credit River needs  your help to protect the Brook Trout population in the West Credit River which is threatened by a wastewater treatment plant proposed by the Town of Erin in Wellington County. 

You can take action by Submitting comments to the Impact Assessment Registry.

The deadline for submission is today!


Submitting your comments to the Impact Assessment Registry will support the Coalition’s Designation Request. 7 million liters per day of sewage effluent from the Town of Erin’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Project discharged into the West Credit River ecosystem will raise the river  temperature and impact the Brook Trout. 

Your comments will demonstrate to the Impact Assessment Agency and Minister Wilkinson that the Coalition’s Designation Request has strong support from the public.

Remember, today is the last day to make your comments. If you have already submitted comments, ask your friends and family to submit comments as well. 

For the River, 
Coalition for the West Credit 

PS – Click here to submit your comments to the Impact Assessment Registry



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Belfountain Park Closed for 2021 – Notice From CVC

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) will not be opening Belfountain Conservation Area this operating season. The park will be closed to the public for the entirety of 2021. This closure includes access from the Trimble Trail (Bruce Trail side trail) through Belfountain Conservation Area. The closure does not affect the adjacent Willoughby property, which will remain open. However, entrance to Belfountain Conservation Area, through the Willoughby property is strictly prohibited.

CVC have advised they are closing Belfountain Conservation Area to undertake critical restoration projects that will help protect and manage the natural and cultural heritage of the property. As you may be aware, in 2017 the Minister of Environment approved CVC’s Environmental Assessment (EA) to restore a portion of the West Credit River. This is part of Phase 1 of the Belfountain Conservation Area Management Plan. To safely undertake this work, it is necessary that the park be closed to the public.

Restoration projects include removing the sedimented headpond, creating a new natural channel and lowering the Belfountain dam by one metre to improve its structural stability and to increase the flow and overall health of the river. We will also be planting 169 new trees and 515 new shrubs, restoring the Mack Park cultural heritage features, and replacing the boardwalk system and pedestrian bridge.  

Information about the Environmental Assessment and the Belfountain Conservation Area Management Plan are available on CVC’s website at www.cvc.ca/bcmp

The CVC have advised that they understand that Belfountain Conservation Area is a valued and popular destination for residents and visitors from across the GTA.  Their goal is to redirect visitors to other CVC properties so they can continue to connect with nature and enjoy outdoor activities. 

The CVC will be taking a number of steps to ensure their partners and members of the public are notified of the closure. Starting today CVC will begin sharing this closure notice through direct communication with their local, regional and provincial partners, Belfountain businesses, Belfountain residents and their Conservation Park members and visitors.  The general public will be advised through a variety of on-going tactics including a press release, social media messaging, website notifications and physical on-site signage.  The CVC would appreciate your support in sharing and reinforcing the message through your communication channels.

The CVC anticipates that Belfountain Conservation Area will re-open for the 2022 operating season. 

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Belfountain Community Spring Catch Up Call – Rescheduled

The Belfountain Community Spring Catch Up Call and scavenger hunt scheduled for tomorrow, April 2nd, will be rescheduled after March break (week of April 12th). 

We will send out the updated day, time and registration information as soon as we can. 


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TAKE ACTION: Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant

We are now asking you to submit your comments directly to the Impact Assessment Registry to support the Coalition’s Designation Request and to express your feelings about the 7 million liters per day of sewage effluent from the Town of Erin’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Project being discharged into the West Credit River ecosystem. Your comments will demonstrate to the Impact Assessment Agency and Minister Wilkinson that the Coalition’s Designation Request has strong support from the public. 

To make it easy for you we have prepared a submission letter with maximum flexibility.  The letter has some core text that can be sent out as is, or you can choose from some key issues you might want to copy and paste into your letter. You may also choose to express your own feelings about the Town of Erin’s wastewater management plans. 

Take action now – the deadline for comments is 8 April 2021

Take Action

Your letter will go directly to the Impact Assessment Agency, to Minister Wilkinson, Minister McKenna, Minister Jordan, to your local MP and MPP, and other key provincial Ministers and MPPs. 

Once your comments have been processed through the Agency, they will be posted to the Impact Assessment Registry at this link.  Yours will be some of the first comments.  To read the comments, scroll down the Registry page to Participate and click on View Comments.

Thank you again for taking strong action to protect West Credit River Brook Trout, Redside Dace, and other sensitive species at risk!!

For those of you who were not able to attend the Coalition for the West Credit River meeting on March 25th, you can watch it  Video Click Here

Please join the protest to Save the West Credit River on Saturday April 3rd between 1pm and 3pm on  Highway 52 (extension of Bush Street) west of 10th Line.

Yours in conservation,
Judy Mabee
Coalition for the West Credit River

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