Thank you for your continued support of our Campaign to ensure the Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant does no harm to the West Credit River and its self-sustaining coldwater Brook Trout population. You showed us that you care about West Credit River Brook Trout when you signed the “Cut the Crap Keep the Credit” petition, donated to our Small Change Fund and submitted letters supporting a federal environmental review of the project. Thanks to you and all our supporters, the petition now has over 22,000 signatures. To keep abreast of our Campaign you can also follow us on Facebook.
The Coalition for the West Credit River (Coalition) was disappointed when the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada failed to approve our request for a full federal review; however, the federal agencies’ reports have provided us with new avenues of pursuit.
The Coalition continues to advocate for key effluent temperature limits and water quality requirements identified in the Impact Assessment Agency’s decision, and we will release additional information over the coming weeks.
COLOURING CONTEST The Coalition is currently running a Colouring Contest to help raise an awareness of the West Credit River ecosystem, and its sensitive Brook Trout population. Attached is the full-sized Colouring Sheet along with the instructions.
The contest is open to children and adults. We encourage you to enter to win one of the following prizes:
- Children’s prizes: A Brook Trout plushie, The Ultimate Book of Sharks, or a subscription to National Geographic Kids magazine.
- Adult Prizes: Brook Trout belt, Brook Trout sun or eyeglass retainers, and Redside Dace coffee mug.
Contest closes at midnight on 15 August, and winners will be announced on 31 August 2021. Thank you for your support! Have a wonderful day!
Regards, |