The Procedural Order from the Ontario Land Tribunal in regard to OLT-22-002819 and OLT-23-000835 regarding the Manors of Belfountain subdivision set the stage for our hearing. The Tribunal scheduled a 14-day Video Hearing to commence on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. through to Friday, February 28, 2025, exclusive of Monday, February 17, 2025.
During the hearing you will hear our expert witnesses as well as our legal counsel, Mr. David Donnelly. The witnesses, Garry Hunter, Hydrogeology and Les Stanfield, Aquatic Ecologist, have prepared Witness Statements. They have also provided Reply Statements in response to the expert opinions offered by Mr. Spina’s team. Please use this link to view these documents ahead of the hearing.
In addition, Hunter and Associates have researched and created an Alternative Site Plan. Please use this link to view this document. Our grave legitimate concerns about the water quality and quantity were confirmed by the government the last time we won a similar hearing with a previous owner. The Alternative Site Plan reiterates that we are not opposed to development on this land, however that development cannot negatively impact the existing resident’s quality of life, water or financial wellbeing.
Members of the community are welcome to log in to view and listen to the proceedings. It is of vital importance that your camera is off, and your computer is on mute when you attend. If you neglect to do this, it will disrupt the hearing and may negatively affect how they view us. Parties are asked to log into the Video Hearing at the links below at least 15 minutes before the start of the event to test video and audio connections:
Merit Hearing on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 10 a.m. by Video Hearing
Access Code: 357-283-957
Audio-only telephone line: +1 (647) 497-9391 or Toll Free: 1-888-455-1389
Audio-only Access Code: 357-283-957
Parties and Participants are asked to access and set up the application well in advance of the event to avoid unnecessary delay. The desktop application can be downloaded at GoToMeeting or a web application is available at:
Persons who experience technical difficulties accessing the GoToMeeting application or who only wish to listen to the event can connect to the event by calling into the audio-only telephone line.