The government is consulting on a proposed amendment to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. This amendment to the current Growth Plan includes changes to the population and employment forecasts, the horizon year for planning, and other policies to increase housing supply, create jobs, attract business investment and better align with infrastructure.
Part of the government’s proposal is to allow aggregate pits and quarries in the habitat of threatened and endangered species throughout the region’s Natural Heritage System. Aggregates operations can already occur elsewhere in the Natural Heritage System, but not in the habitat of threatened or endangered species.
As recognized in the current Growth Plan, our lands, waters and wildlife are essential to our long-term quality of life, economic prosperity, ecological health and resilience to climate change.
Please let the government know your thoughts on their proposal by clicking on this link Proposed Amendment 1 to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe | Environmental Registry of Ontario
The deadline for comments on the Growth Plan amendments is July 31st.