You choose to live in Belfountain for your own reason. Now that reason may well be obliterated. The map below shows just how that is likely to happen.
June 18 is your opportunity to define your reason and defend it. The Town of Caledon Council is holding a meeting to hear what citizens have to say about the proposed Manors of Belfountain (MOB) development. For each of us, this may well be one of the most important meetings of our life.
MOB plans to build 70 large houses ranging between 2,700 and 4,700 square feet on the 175-acre Spina property that stretches along Belfountain’s southern flank from Mississauga Road to Shaws Creek Road. Our hamlet will be reduced to a rustic nook on the edge of this massive development. Belfountain now Brickmountain.
Each of the Manors will have its own septic system and well. The water source from which the Manors will draw is the water that currently trickles into your well.
Let there be no misunderstanding: The Belfountain Community Organization (BCO) is dead against this plan that will turn our rural hamlet into a bedroom suburb. The BCO has hired an expert hydrologist and a renowned environmental lawyer to carry our arguments forward. The BCO executives have devoted literally hundreds of hours presenting Belfountain’s case to Caledon, the Niagara Escarpment Commission and other officials and lawyers of government.
But on the evening of June 18, it is the voices of the residents of our hamlet that must resound in the politician’s ears. Look again at the map below – the picture tells a thousand words.
The June 18 meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber in Caledon East. From 6 p.m., there will be viewing posters in the lobby and officials to answer your queries. Please be there. Your home and quality of life are at stake. Town of Caledon 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon, ON
The Manors of Belfountain development proposal is the third item in the Public Meeting section of the Town of Caledon agenda.